Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Second Violin -Extinguish By Beating

In 2004 Second Violin return to deliver Extinguish by Beating! Our Belgian friend Layer conributes to the overall curiousness of this adventure. Digitalis Industries released an edition of this work with different packaging.

Second Violin - Increasing Overdraft

The third Second Violin work is a thicker and darker work which, among other things, features excerpts from each side of nearly 100 tapes that Adam Bohman has sent me over the last fifteen years or so.

Second Violin - Victoria

The first two sixty minute Second Violin releases are all a twitter with marvelously odd compositions and perversely charmed improvisations.

Second Violin - Hospital Fugue of Mad Nurse

From 2001 in Washington D.C. come the Second Violin project and VZL. The former features Zurich, myself and Adam Bohman and Rinus Van Alebeek, and the latter is a May evenings live session featuring V..., Zanstones and Lampshade.


VZL is an hours journey on the outskirts of musicality. Recorded at Contorted studios - this is the first remix of a session featuring Lampshade, V., and Zanstones. Another remix is released by Zeromoon.

1348 MksTuf

I got Zurich's name and address from the Van Der Veens in Holland. Tuf and Mike Stevens are on the first two tapes. Much use of sampling and drum machines in unconventional ways. Peculiar combinations mixed into a stew until well done.

1348 Meat Mkstofuzoric

1348 Meat Mkstofuzoric also features Agog and Shmuzorft.

Meteored Enthusiasm

Meteored Enthusiasm is a cool work that mixes Don Campau's strange sound and loop experiments with a tape from DFT called "Enthusiasm."

Saties Sackcloth

Saties Sackcloth is a -1348- release plus a release by Points of Friction. Plagiarism or paganism? You probably don't have either of these two tapes, and if you got this you'd have both. What a bargain.

G und S

That's G und S not GNS, to you! GundS is my mix-mashing of a two tape series from DTF. It appears in a mix with Shumspag on another tape just as Saties Sackcloth appears later mixed with a Nick tape.